Wednesday, April 16, 2014

What is Sociology?

Through sociological imagination and perspective, one can see that this man is homeless, poor, and truthful because he plans on spending the money given on beer. Cheers to you, sir!

This is a picture of Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. By using sociological imagination, one can infer that this is a wealthy area because of how well maintained the street is, along with the beautiful architecture and big brand names that are located there!

 Sociological perspective allows one to see that this woman in living in a somewhat decent neighborhood. It seems as if she's leading a busy life because of all those bags, so she probably only has time to buy fast- food. Way to accelerate those obesity rates!

 This project allows me to use participant observation because I am personally engaging in the social world that I'm doing my research on.

This survey is an example of quantitative research because with its answers, the study group will know how to approach visible problems. Get involved with politics, legal citizens! Your voice matters!

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